Parent Information
Please see below some pages that may be useful for parents
Preparing your child for school
As your child approaches the transition to school we will do everything that we can in setting to help them to be prepared. There are also a number of ways you can support them at home. It's very important to remember that the Reception year also falls under the Early Years Foundation Stage so your child is already following this curriculum and every child is different and starts school with different abilities.
To read more, please click on the image.
We have a uniform which we encourage children to wear, but it is not compulsory. It's a good way to help your child prepare for school, can make mornings less stressful when there aren't decisions on clothes to be made and means you don't have to worry so much about things getting messy or dirty! See more here

Lunch Ideas
We promote health eating in our settings and this link has some ideas for lunchbox menus and some information on preventing choking
To find out more, click on the image.
What is Ofsted?
The Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills is a non-ministerial department of the UK government, reporting to Parliament. Ofsted is responsible for inspecting a range of educational institutions, including state schools and some independent schools, in England.
To view our Ofsted inspection results, please click on the image.
What is Facts4Life?
Facts4Life is a health resilience programme for early years, primary and secondary settings (including parents) that provides opportunities to learn more about physical and mental health. Resources are written by experienced teachers and designed to harmonise with a range of existing curriculum areas.
To learn more please click on the image.